Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fashionista, anyone?

Hye all~~~

This might be just a short entry. These few days, i've been visiting few blogs and websites of fashionistas (with hijab). They are really inspired me!! I think I need to be brave when it comes to share my fashion style. The thing is, Im not confident enough.

Honestly, I am so proud of them (who never cares about what people think) how they look like? They just wear anything they like and turn out to be so stylish. Good job fashionistas!!

I adore them:

and the list goes on... Kalau u all tengok Lookbook tu, sure tak puas sebab semua stylo and best-best. Huhu. I am really inspired~~~

p/s: Would like to share my fashion sense, tunggu!!!


bungacahaya said...

Oh Kak Yah you are my idol!!!!!

p/s : Hopefully jgn lah "mama" u plak yg jadikan u idol I tak sangguppppp.....

Rasaksa Mini said...

k.jah: hahahaha. cool kan? kalau mama i yg jadikan i idol, abis la inspem. hahaha.

Miss FZ said... kan.aishah amin tu kawan adek i..budak uia tuh.